2023 Citizen of the Year Announced

     Our 2023 Citizen of the Year is:


An awards dinner, in her honor will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at the Delmar V.F.W.

 Event will begin at 6:30 pm.  Dinner will be a chicken/ham combo. 

Tickets are $22 per person and must be purchased in advance.  No tickets will be sold at the door. 

Deadline for ticket purchase is Tuesday, March 7th, so that we may give the VFW an attendance count.  

You may purchase tickets by calling Lisa Ellis, Chairperson at the Bank of Delmarva, North Salisbury branch.  (410-742-9401)


you may purchase directly through PayPal. 

If you use the PayPal option, you MUST give a phone number for the purchaser AND the names of who

will be attending so they can be checked in at the door the night of the dinner.  

To make your purchase through PayPal, send the funds directly to the Chamber using our email address:

infochamber@comcast.net .

There will also be an article upcoming the Laurel Star newspaper.  We will try and post additional information

here as well about Sara in the next few days.


2023 Citizen of the Year Nominations

Nominations for Citizen of the Year are only accepted online, beginning this year.
Nominations are LIVE now!

Please visit this extension website to place your nomination. www.delmarcitizenoftheyear.com

Please be sure to read the guidelines and be sure your nominee qualifies.
We look forward to announcing our 2023 Citizen of the Year sometime in February!

2022 Delmar Christmas Parade

The Chamber is pleased to continue our sponsorship of Delmar’s Christmas Parade!

This year’s parade is scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd at 2:00 pm.  The rain date would be Sat. Dec. 17th, same time.

Participation in the parade is FREE, as long as you have an application on file ahead of time.

Deadline for application is Wednesday, November 29th.

Please use the links below to download your application AND parade route.

NOTE:  We ask that you do NOT include a “Santa” in your entry.  We will have “Santa” at the end of the parade and we don’t want to confuse the kids.  


Christmas Parade Route 2022

2021 Delmar Christmas Parade

Yes!  We happy to be having our annual Christmas Parade this year!  WooHoo!!!

Saturday – December 4th – 2pm

Rain date:  Sat. December 18th, same time. 

Here is the link for downloading the application:  

2021 Christmas Parade App with Route

It is FREE to participate in the parade…….as long as you have an application on file with us!

The application deadline is WEDNESDAY – December 1st!  NO late entries will be allowed since it takes time to 

put the lineup in order and provide the final information to those who need it.  You have plenty of time, just don’t delay getting your application in to us.

If you have any questions, please email infochamber@comcast.net .